Analysing and reporting in real time

Find out how your readers are responding to your digital content and optimise your offer based on relevant analyses.
Consistent growth can only be achieved when you pay sufficient attention to your readers. Analytics is a powerful tool that can help you meet this requirement with minimal time and effort. The goal is not to collect as much data as possible; much rather, it is about collecting data that is relevant and analysing it in a way that is useful.

Our analysis and reporting module p4p™ ANALYTICS was developed in close coordination with our customers to allow them key insight into the individual and collective behaviour of their readers. Which articles are being opened? What are readers searching for? At what point do readers jump off? Which marketing measures are most effective?

p4p™ ANALYTICS shows you all relevant KPIs live and in real time. View and follow sales and download numbers for your e-paper and digital products at any time. You can see how many customers are currently using your apps and what operating systems and devices they are using. User-centred reports provide you with an overview of your users’ activity. Make use of this information to create visitor profiles and use these profiles to create custom-tailored offers — targeted precisely in-app or via push notifications and, of course, in accordance with the EU’s GDPR guidelines.

Your benefits


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. We look forward to talking to you.

    Publishing Suite

    It’s easy: all we need is your email & your eternal love. But we’ll settle for your email.

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